今天分享的是人工智能AI系列深度研究报告:《2023年the future of generative of AI》。(报告出品方:Creative Dock)
Strategic Foresight and Navigating FutureUncertainty - Our Generative Al Case Study
Recent breakthroughs in generative artificiaintelligence(Generative Al)havethepotentiato radically transform the global economyby ushering in a new era of acceleratedautomation that may upend industries,boost productivity, and displace parts, or all,or a large swathe of white- and blue-collarroles. Generative Al systems are becomingincreasingly sophisticated in understandingand generating human-like content and arepoised to be used across diverse areas andbe diffused across multiple industries.
This technology may be the next leapin human-machine collaboration thattransforms industries, labor markets, andsociety on a scale similar to the adventof personal computing, the internet,mobility, and cloud. However, generativeAl also presents challenges, such as Al"hallucinating' or inventing facts, that needto be resolved.
As more organizations integrate generativeAl along the value chain, sweeping socialpolitical,environmental,and technologicalchanges will follow. The high level ofuncertainty surrounding some of thesedevelopments necessitates a strategicforesight approach. ln this foresight study,we delve deeper into the various aspectsof generative Al, its market landscape, theintersection with technologies like Web3 andloT, and the use of scenario development tohelp organizations explore opportunitiesand navigate the complexities of this rapidlyevolving technology landscape. With thisforesight study, we aim to do two things;first, leverage foresight tools to assess thefuture of Generative Al, by providing topicspecific insights and identifying opportunityareas for business development. Secondlywe want to show how the methodology itselfcan be applied in a more general sense, toaddress any uncertain and complex topicof critical importance to strategists andbusiness leaders
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